A/W 2020
Your mind functions in the past and the future but your physical self is in the Now. (These are not my words but it inspired me to rephrase them as follows) SUPPRESS THE THEN AND THE WHEN FOR MOMENTS OF ZEN. MEDITATE. Just a few minutes of stillness; inhaling and exhaling deliberately can bring you into the present and alter mind and body outcomes.
SHIFTING : As your are shifting, you will begin to realize that you are not the same person you used to be. The things you used to tolerate have become intolerable. When you once remained quiet, you are now speaking your truth. Where you once battled and argued, you are now choosing to remain silent. You are beginning to understand the value of your voice and there are some situations that no longer deserve your time, energy, and focus. (cc: IG)
S/S 2020
SPRING 2020…Very pleased to see her. Despite Covid 19’s grip on the world Mother Nature’s constant reminder of what really matters demonstrates the real Truth and for many, Hope. So go on; plant that garden, make YOUR art, and do your part to assist society. If you must go into the public domain, wear protective gear, wash your hands frequently, and practice social distancing for as long as necessary. Remember to stay hydrated, exercise and, eat as healthy as possible. Be well.